Our Mission

Our Mission is to help survivors of MST and their families connect to  various professional organizations, local support groups and literature that specialize in the healing process of MST. We recognize that there are numerous organizations and we are determined to pull all these organizations together to one location so that survivors can easily locate the best one that suits their needs of healing.

Our Story

We are all survivors, family members, and friends of survivors. We have all walked a similar path at different times of our life. We also have various ways we have chosen to navigate our journey of healing. This Project is our way to enable support for one another, bring each survivor together  and serve one another which we so valiantly did while serving our country.

Meet Your Team 


Bonnie A. Walker,  MSW, CSWA, CTP~

       CEO, Founder, Facilitator & Advocate                                                 John Walker~ CFO   



Joleen R. Hottel~ Community Engagement Coordinator                      Kalista T. Andersen- Communications Director                                  



Kaycee A. Lonstad- Walker- Support Group Co-Facilitator




Mike- Wa. ; Teresa- Mo.; Pamalonia- Wa; Paula-Ca; Kim- Fl.; Cinder- Az.; Gwen- Wa.;Jennifer-Wv; Jackie- Ca